Sunday, September 6, 2009

hp dataprotector 6.0 and virtual tape library, firing backup and found error

I tried VTL in HP data protector 6.0 . the drive detected as tape drive and media as default tape media. but when i tried to create media pool using this tape drive i am unable to format. but when i scanned tape drive it is showing the tape drive consist a blank media. but media pool not created saying that unable to intiate the medium. i hope it may mis configuration ???? (be cause hp dp having special option VTL in its device option i have to go through support matrix mean while i am posting my experience with vtl and DP. above screens are from adding device to error message that saying unable format the media.
(Arrow and highlets are showing critical messages in the process).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Praveen,

    Can you send me any useful docs for Data Protector.. I am a beginner..


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